Saturday, March 5, 2011

Auckland Market Gardens 1933


(By Telegraph.—Press Association.) AUCKLAND, This, Day. Attention was, drawn to-day by one of the leaders of the Chinese community in Auckland, :Mr. Andrew Chong, to the plight of unemployed Chinese. He said, that' throughout New Zealand .Chinese had paid thousands of pounds to the unemployment fund, yet, as far as he could ascertain, not one Chinese had been given relief work or relief nations. The . situation became acute last April, when owing to the low returns from the market garden business many men had been thrown on their own resources. They were unable to obtain employment with Europeans, and they had been informed-by the Labour Department that they were ineligible for work or sustenance. Yet Chinese in work continued to pay both the levy and the tax. He estimated that there were about 150 Chinese in Auckland practically destitute.

Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 7, 10 January 1933, Page 9

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