Thursday, June 23, 2011



(SYDNEY; This Day. The Libour Council has adopted the report of tbe special committee appointed to inquire into Chinese 'competition in the various trades. Tbe report says thab the competition in some classes of work ia very keen. There are 300 Chinese engage in laundry work, 700 in the grocery business, and 873 as hotel employees, but the last-named have affiliated to the Union. Chinese have taken every step to ca'pturethe retail grocery trade, especially in the country districts, while 3500 Chinese are engaged in market gardening, and have practic&lly captured that industry. Tbe competition porhaps is the most keen in the furniture trade, ia which the Chinese are about equal to the whites. In order to ovorcome the competition, the chief factors of the success of which are long hours and low wages among the Chinese, the report recommends propaganda work on the Chinese question prohibition of all Asiatics in the .mining industry, the rigorous enforcing of the Gaming and Public Health Acts, the entire abolition of Sunday work, the opening and closing of all shops , and factories at stated hours, and the stamping of all goods wholly or partly made by Chinese. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 67, 2 April 1904, Page 3

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