Thursday, December 15, 2011

Earthquake Relief Fund

The following further donations to the Earthquake Relief Fund are acknowledged by the Mayor:—
Per Waipawa Borough Council, £1 15s Wanganui Collegiate School, £23 ISs 5d- The Pan-Hellenic Association of New Zealand £ 3 12s; Jas. Templeton and Co., £25- E Moore. £5; St. David's Presbyterian Church, Upper Hutt, £0 3s; E. J. Foothead. £5 Appreciative Listener-in, £1; Meek and Hicks 2s; Mrs. A. It. Meek, £2 2s; Listener! kanvarra, 10s; Radio Listeners, 6s 8d H F.J.,- 10s;. Mrs. Alfred Atkinson, £5; staff Billiards, Ltd., £6 ss; A.8.8., 10s; Union Conine Co., Ltd., £10 10s; Wellington East Girls' College, £10; St. Andrew's Church bs 7d; M. Bassin and staff, £2; Coleman and Coleman £2 2s; C G. Powles, £2 2s; Lankshears, Ltd., £5; staff Lank-shears, Ltd., £3; staff Jas. Templeton and Co., £1 12s (id- W B Armstrong £1; additional contribution, concert, £1 7s 2d; per Bed Cross Society L- £1; Mrs L- A- Courtney, £1 is; A Irieud," per G.T., £5 ss; per Wellington Chinese Masonic Society—Kwong long Chong £2 2s. Chung Ling os, Joe Guy 10s Lum Jung, Fan Yue,.Wong Way Chun, Wong Hoy, Chow Torn, Wong Lai, Lowe Ming Geng, Yip Foon, Di Bor, Chun Lerng 5s each, Sink on Kee £1 Is, Ng Sit Lum ss. Chun Gee Nui ss, Chun Shee Choy. £1 Is, Wah Jung ss, Wing IHing ss, Lee Nam os, Chun Hiug Young £1, Isgan GoW os, .Fan Chow Hung ss, Lowe Gee Leong 10s, Terng Wall os, Lowe Hop Poo ss, Lowe Goo Ying. ss, Cherng Gong 2s (id, Wong V-iy ss, Hedley Louis 2s 6d, Chun Bew Nov Mun Chue, Yip Wah, Lowe Hoong Gee, Lowe Gar Shee, Lee noong, Lowe Gong, 5s each Dick Leo £3 3s, Gee Gum King ss, United Fruit Co. 10s 6d, Wong Chung Lung, Wah Ying, Chun Hoy Chorig, Chun Dart Yuc, Shew Say, Chun Garm You 5s each. Hop Hing 10s, Ngah Sik Chong 2s 6d, Wong Kong 10s, Mock Ming ss, Kwong Kee ss,- Chung Dim ss, -Chunt Hoong ss, Wong Poy 10s, Ngan Jew ss, George Yce £1 Is—£23 Is; total, £241 Cs 2d.
The Mayor's Fund totals £10,581. Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 10, 11 July 1929, Page 14

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